Please email me when you mail your exchange package and when you receive a package! Also, feel free to post about your package, and I will add a link to your post to my list of CDP example links.
Now that
I tend to respond to the receipt of a CDP the same way I respond whenever someone does something nice to me: I make sure to thank the person and try to let her know how much I appreciated her efforts on my behalf.
Disclaimer: This can be tricky if a CDP arrives in the midst of Extremely Crappy Circumstances because I might be a little overwhelmed at that particular moment, but I try to do these things at some point. Also, my method of communication varies, according to the kind of relationship I have with the sender and how chaotic life is at that moment, so pick the method of communication (a card, an email, a tweet, a phone call, etc...) that works best for your situation.
When I receive a CDPackage in the mail, as soon as I can, I let the sender know I received her package, (often) what a nice surprise it was, and how happy the package has made me JUST BY ARRIVING. I prefer to do this by writing a nice little card so that I can return the favor of receiving fun mail, but, if life is hectic, I will send an email instead, or sometimes I will send a brief email and, later, a longer, more detailed card.
Then, because I know that *I* enjoy hearing about it when someone opens a CDP I have
I do not feel OBLIGATED to reciprocate because I KNOW (one of the benefits of being the creator of this idea =)!) that Crappy Day Presents are given freely with no expectations or obligations, but since I ENJOY reciprocating, I will keep in mind that this person must like the CDP idea, or she wouldn't have used it, and, in the days/weeks/months following, I will distract myself from the
Swistle brought up a point in a recent post (that isn't applicable in an EXCHANGE situation, but might apply for general CDP giving) that hadn't occurred to me because when I started doing this with my brick-and-mortar friends, we knew each other well enough that it wasn't an issue: that acting on generous impulses (such as sending someone a surprise CDP?) "...seems to set up situations where the recipient feels uncomfortable and/or burdened, and wonders if they should reciprocate, and feels awkward if they don't want to."
After I read that, I realized that *gasp of amazement!* you ladies might not know me well enough, so perhaps I should clarify: I sincerely hope that if I have, or do, send you a CDP, you will not feel uncomfortable or burdened!! I have no expectation of reciprocation; only a hope that it will brighten your day and make a few upcoming Crappy Days a little more bearable!! Think of it as one of those random someone-paid-your-toll-charge or someone-paid-for-your-dinner things (except that I can't be that anonymous because it might be
Does anyone have any ideas on what we can do with the giving of Crappy Day Presents so that it doesn't make the recipient feel uncomfortable or burdened?
Well, that's all that I could think of concerning CDP-Receiving Etiquette! Did I miss anything?
The Rules For the Opening of Crappy Day Presents