
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Example of A Crappy Day Package #5

A Lovely, Lovely Person* sent a Crappy Day Package to help me hang in there brighten up my life, and it worked (and had excellent timing!!)!

YARN!!  Do you see the YARN?!  I had a VERY HARD TIME seeing past the yarn, but I forced myself to FOCUS.

Beautiful, sparkly lip gloss!

Magnets that match my FAVORITE clothespins!!!  I LOVE the patterns in this collection!

Recipe cards and coasters with HIGHLY appropriate sentiments

I quickly put the recipe cards to good use!

COORDINATING (you can never have too many coordinating things when you have children who cause chaos everywhere they go;  it is very soothing to see something that matches!) notepad and note cards!!!  I'm afraid I will NEVER have too many notepads since it is necessary for me to write down anything I don't want to forget, and I love to send notes to people using pretty cards!

Fun things I might share with the children if they are ever nice to me

I was especially excited about the yarn because it is beautiful and I love yarn some of it is a wool blend, and I crochet for a charity that is happy to receive squares that involve wool (because of the warmth factor).

The charity is called Knit-A-Square .  They use 8" knitted, crocheted, or felted (out of old wool sweaters or blankets) squares to make blankets for some of the desperately poor children in South Africa.  People from all over the world make squares, as close to 8" as possible, in any thick, warm pattern, leaving a 1-yard tail attached for sewing purposes, using any yarn.  I made these squares quickly because there is a company called Jigsaw, with a location in California, that has offered to send our squares to South Africa through the end of this year, so I'm trying to make as many squares as I can by Christmas so that I can take advantage of that wonderful blessing!!  (Normally it costs just under $1 per square to send the squares to South Africa.)
Thank you, Lovely Person!!!  I appreciate your thoughtfulness and am enjoying all of the lovely things you sent =)!!
*I will be keeping Crappy Day Present senders anonymous so that the sender doesn't have to worry that Person Q is going to see what they (the sender) sent me and possibly feel bad that their (Person Q's) package was not as fabulous as mine ;-). But if you don't worry as much as I do aren't worried about that, you are welcome to claim your package in the comments!


  1. I love all these examples of CDPs! I am storing up ideas for future. (And possibly even buying little things in the meantime.)

  2. Thank you so much for linking to Knit-A-Square! I want to do that (but crocheted, since I can't knit). Bookmarking it for a 2012 project.

  3. Laura--You're welcome! I hope you enjoy crocheting for them as much as I do =)!!
