
Monday, December 12, 2011

A Brief, Delicious Post

So, a friend came over one day and gave me this:
The gift my friend gave me
This is, of course, lovely, but becomes downright IMPRESSIVE when you see this:
The gift my friend gave me, with a regular-sized one for comparison purposes

Another picture for drool-inducing scale purposes

Perhaps it would help with the sense of scale if I told you that the tiles are 6 inch squares

The delicious interior
I have to say, I thought this was a very fun idea for a gift because it is so unusually MASSIVE.  It was, well, IS (a person can only eat so much at once!) delicious!  I like the chocolate to peanut butter ratio, but it is a little messy to eat because the force required to bite through chocolate of that thickness causes the peanut butter filling to be squished out.  Yum!


  1. Wha???? I've never seen such a thing!

    (Good friend you got there!)

  2. Holy peanut buttery goodness!! That is a friend indeed.

  3. It is hard to convey with mere words the level of my longing for one of these packages for my very own. I have never seen a Reese's cup that big and now I must have one. YUM.

  4. Where did she find that? I want one! Or a hundred.

  5. Mouse--She said she found it at Sears. I had seen them at Albertsons the week before =). (Brace yourself: at Albertsons they cost something like $12!!!!!)

  6. I want! Reese's are my favorite.

  7. They have them at Target - and I have been tempted every single time I walk past them!

  8. I'm drooling so much it's hard to type.
